Tag Archives: organic

Time for grocery action…

I haven’t posted pics of my groceries for y’all in a while.  And who knows, maybe you think it’s weird.  For some reason, I really like documenting what I buy every week.  And now that I am reading The Gorgeously Green Diet, I feel the need to be super duper aware (how to live lean and green).  Oh, and if you haven’t read it, you should.  Makes the whole buying organic vs. non-organic make sense.

So, here are my groceries for the week: 94.00.  enjoy…..


p.s. one thing I’ve been trying to add to my daily diet/routine is a glass of lemon water every morning.  It’s supposed to flush out the system, especially the liver.  Hmm, you learn somn’ everyday.  and how easy is that!

cherry pie.

My friend has a cherry tree in her yard and invited me over to pick cherries.  fresh.  organic.  could not resist.  and so I made a pie….


The Cherry Pie Recipe using Fresh Cherries

  • Recipe for a 9″ Flaky Double Crust Pie (The Best Pie Crust Recipemakes four crusts. Divide in half or make 2 Cherry Pies!)
  • 4 1/4 cups fresh cherries, pitted with stems removed
  • 1 1/4 cup sugar, more if cherries a very tart
  • 1/2 cup flour or 4 Tablespoons tapioca pearls or quick cooking tapioca
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of either vanilla or almond extract
  • 2 Tablespoons butter, cut in small pieces
  • 1 Tablespoon milk or cream for brushing the top
  • 1 Tablespoon sugar for dusting


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Roll out the pie crust bottom and tops according to directions leaving enough overhang to fold and flute. Drape the bottom pie crust evenly in a 9″ pie pan or ceramic pie dish and set aside. Fold the top crust in half and place a towel over it so it doesn’t dry out.
  3. In a large bowl, gently fold together pitted cherries, sugar, tapioca or flour, cinnamon and vanilla or almond extract.
  4. Pour into pie crust and dot with butter.
  5. Unfold the top crust and place over the top of the cherry mixture. Fold the edges of the top crust over and under the bottom edges and flute according to your own preferences. You can also use a fork to press the crusts together or make a lattice top.
  6. Brush the top of the pie with milk or cream and sprinkle with sugar.
  7. Cut 5-6 small vent holes in the top crust.
  8. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 400 for 50-60 minutes or until top is golden brown and cherries are bubbling up. If the edges start to burn or brown faster, ring the edges with a piece of aluminum foil.
  9. Cherry Pie cuts better with cleaner edges if it is allowed to cool completely, but it can be eaten warm too.
  10. Cherry Pie à la mode! Top with your favorite ice cream or fresh sweetened whipped cream.
  11. Refrigerate any leftovers.

Read more:http://pies-cookies-squares.suite101.com/article.cfm/cherry_pie_recipe_baked_with_fresh_cherries#ixzz0LvHDzWGo

Momma’s dirty dozen

What I’m curious about is is it better to eat non organic fruit, or no fruit at all?  This is what I ponder as I grocery shop.  I want to buy organic, but I can’t justify the cost.  Am I just giving my kids little fruits of poison, or is there still nutritional benefits to eating non organic?  And is it better to eat organic processed foods, or does it not matter because they are processed?  

My mother says not to worry, because FDA standards are so great nowadays, but with everything that we learn, especially with all of the heightened coverage and trendiness of being green, I just wonder why do they even sell nonorganic if it’s bad for you?  Am I being naive?

Anyway, I’ve decided to start buying just the dirty dozen organic rather than non organic of the worst  pesticide infested fruits and veggies.  Here’s the list:


1 (worst) Peach 100 (highest pesticide load)
2 Apple 93
3 Sweet Bell Pepper 83
4 Celery 82
5 Nectarine 81
6 Strawberries 80
7 Cherries 73
8 Kale 69
9 Lettuce 67
10 Grapes – Imported 66
11 Carrot 63
12 Pear 63
